Overview of the Publish Settings dialog

Opus is specially designed to optimise your publication and make the smallest most efficient, but best-looking publication possible. However, the Publish Settings dialog allows you to change the default settings we have provided, for example: you may want to include your own Cover dialog which will appear before a publication is opened; embed particular fonts in your publication in case your user does not have them installed on their machine; reduce the JPEG compression of images to ensure that they retain all their original detail; or you may want to increase the file compression even further, even though this might slow the publication.

Opening the Publish Settings dialog:

  1. The Publish Settings dialog is only available when you run the Publish Wizard to create a published version of your publication.

  2. Click on the Publication menu, then select the Publish… option – this will open the Publish Wizard.

  3. Click on the Settings button on the third page of the Publish Wizard to open the Publish Settings dialog.

  4. The Publish Settings dialog is made up four tabs: General, Options, Fonts and Advanced Settings – see more information below for links.

If you have created a publication using the Opus Flex type in the Type tab of the Publication Properties dialog, the Publish Settings dialog will contain three tabs: General, Options and Compression – the options available in these tabs are different than the standard Publish Settings dialog’s tabs.

Related Topics:

the General tab - Publish Settings

the Options tab - Publish Settings

the Fonts tab - Publish Settings

the Advanced Settings tab - Publish Settings


the General tab - Opus Flex Settings

the Options tab - Opus Flex Settings

the Compression tab - Opus Flex Settings


the General tab - Opus Video Creator

the Audio tab - Opus Video Creator