Publish Settings: Fonts tab

The Fonts tab in the Publishing Settings dialog allows you to specify how particular fonts are used in your publication. If the user of your publication does not have the same fonts that you have used in the publication, then the text using those fonts will look different because Windows will replace it with one that is available. You can avoid this by embedding fonts that you have used within the publication itself.

Adobe Type 1 and Type 2 fonts are supported in Opus.

To edit the Fonts tab settings:

  1. The Standard Windows Fonts panel contains all of the fonts on your machine. If the font has a tick in the box beside its name (e.g. Arial) then it is assumed that this font is on the end users machine and does not need to be rendered or embedded in the publication file.

The only fonts the system may assume are on all machines are Arial and Times New Roman – all other fonts may not be on their system.

  1. Tick the checkbox beside the name of the fonts in the Standard Windows Fonts list if you know the end user has the font on their systems and you have used the font within your publication.

If you are only distributing the publication within your organisation or through a controlled distribution where you know which fonts are going to be available, then you can tick the fonts in this list.

  1. The Enable Font Embedding panel allows you to incorporate the font description into the published version of your publication.

To embed fonts requires that the copyright owners have provided their fonts on this basis. There is no additional payment required to embed fonts. Opus will automatically restrict embedding to only those fonts for which it is permitted.

  1. Tick the Any Embeddable Font option in the Enable Font Embedding panel if you want to incorporate all embeddable fonts.

This could be very inefficient if you have only included a few characters in a particular font – see point 5 below.

  1. Tick the Embed these fonts only option in the Enable Font Embedding panel if you want to switch embedding off for certain fonts – you can untick the checkbox beside the name of the font you do not want to embed.

Fonts that are not embedded or standard Windows fonts on the users end machine are therefore rendered – see point 6 below.

  1. Tick the Enable Text Rendering option if you want Opus to turn any text in a font that is not a standard Windows font or an embeddable font into a graphic representation of itself (i.e. the text is rendered).

If you have used this font a lot, then all of the rendering can increase the size of your publication.

  1. Make your changes to the other tabs in the Publish Settings dialog, then click the OK button to close the dialog and return to the third page of the Publish Wizard to start publishing.

Related Topics:

Overview of Publishing Settings

the General tab - Publish Settings

the Options tab - Publish Settings

the Advanced Settings tab - Publish Settings