This Object Dropped Trigger

The This Object Dropped trigger allows you to trigger an action when a specific drag object is dropped into a drop zone. For example, you can use this trigger in several drop zone objects and have different actions happen when the object is dropped in the correct zone (e.g. add points to score variables), or when dropped in an incorrect zone (e.g. deduct points from score variables).

Any drag object can use this trigger. This trigger works in the opposite way to the Object Dropped trigger, which is activated when a drop zone receives a drag object.

Setting up the This Object Dropped trigger:

  1. Add the This Object Dropped trigger to your Actions Organiser, as described in Creating and Editing Actions.

  2. Click on the Actions tab in the Actions dialog to select an action or actions to add to the trigger.

  3. Go to Choosing an Action to list all of the actions you can add to your trigger.

Related Topics:

Introducing the Drag and Drop Triggers

Choosing a Trigger