Object Dropped Trigger


The Object Dropped trigger allows you to trigger an action when a drag object is dropped onto the current object (i.e. the drop zone). You can use this trigger to start an action or list of actions in response to the arrival of the drag object. The trigger allows you to select whether it will be triggered by any drag object or by a specific drag object.

This trigger must appear on an object that can receive drag objects – which means it was set up as a drop object and is therefore a drop zone. At least one object on the current page must be a drag object.

To set up drag and drop objects, see the Drag and Drop tab in the object’s Properties dialog for more information.

Setting up the Object Dropped trigger:

  1. Add the Object Dropped trigger to your Actions Organiser, as described in Creating and Editing Actions. The Object Dropped tab will automatically appear when you add the trigger.

  2. Use the All draggable objects option when any drag object on the page will start this trigger.

  3. Use the These objects only option when you want to specify the drag objects that will start this trigger. This will activate the Object list below this option.

Only the objects you specify will start this trigger. Any other object dragged onto this object will be ignored.

You could use a Drop Refused trigger to create a list of actions that would happen when the user tried to add a drag object to a wrong drop zone.

  1. Click on checkbox beside the name of the objects in the Object List that you want to start this trigger.

The list of objects may be indented – see Indented Objects in an Object List for more information.

  1. Click on the Apply button to save your changes.

  2. Click on the Actions tab in the Actions dialog to select an action or actions to add to the trigger.

  3. Go to Choosing an Action to list all of the actions you can add to your trigger.

Related Topics:

Introducing the Drag and Drop Triggers

Choosing a Trigger