Cursors tab

The Cursors tab in the Publication Properties dialog allows you to change the icon for the cursor from the standard pointer image\Cursor_Arrow.jpg to another icon throughout the publication. You can also set the cursor when the publication is busy.

You will only see the cursor change when you run your publication or preview the publication, it does not change in the Opus Editor window.

You can also change the cursor for other operations, such as when a user moves over an object, using the Cursors tab in the Object Properties dialog box.

To edit the Cursor tab settings:

  1. Click on the Standard or From File options in the Normal cursor to change the standard image\Cursor_Arrow.jpg cursor.

  2. Click on the Standard or From File options in the Busy cursor to change the cursor when the system is busy, for example, when it is opening a large file such as a video.

  3. Click on the Apply button to save your changes.

You can import your own cursors that you have created using the From File option. This also allows you to import animated cursors as well as standard cursors.

Related Topics:

the Cursors tab - Publication Properties

Overview of Publication Properties