Adding a Hotspot

You can add a Hotspot object to any page or object on a page in your publication. The Hotspot tool allows you to create invisible ‘buttons’ or hotspots in any shape you like. Hotspots are a key feature of interactive publications and are most often used to make certain parts of a picture interactive rather than the whole thing. This allows you to have a number of independent interactive actions on a single image and could be used, for example, to outline each country on a map and link each hotspot to a separate page relating to that country.

As with the Animation Path tool, the Hotspot object is drawn using the drawing tools – see Using the Draw Tools for more information.

To create a Hotspot:

  1. Select the Hotspot tool image\Icon_Object_Hotspot.jpg from the Tools toolbar.

  2. Select the drawing tool you want to draw with – see Describing the Draw Tools for more information.

  3. Draw the hotspot shape on the page. As with any object, you can resize the object at any time. With the drawing tool you can also reshape the vector by editing the nodes of the vector – see Editing your Drawn Objects for more information.

  4. The object drawn on the page is a Polygon, you can change the properties of the Polygon – see Polygon – Overview for more information.

  5. A Polygon drawn with the Hotspot tool will always be drawn semi-transparent to remind you that it will be invisible in the published version of your publication. If you preview a page with a Hotspot object on it, you will not see the hotspot appear on the page but it is there.

  6. Once you have drawn the hotspot and reshaped and resized it as required, you can add actions to it just like any other object in your publication – see Creating and Editing Actions for more information.

Related Topics:

Using the Draw tools