Write to Report File Action


This action writes a line of text to a chosen report file.

Setting up the Write to Report File action:

1. Add the Write to Report File action to your trigger, as described in adding actions. The Write to Report File tab will automatically appear when you add the action.

2. At the top of the Write to Report File tab is a combo box listing the available report names. It is possible to open and write to up to 5 report files simultaneously. To write to a specific report file, select it in this combo. The relevant report must have been opened with a Set Report File action prior to writing. If the chosen report has not been opened the Write To Report action will have no effect.

The names used in this combo are purely suggestions and have no effect on what information is written to the report file. They simply allow you to use up to five different reports within a single publication.

3. Next is the main text edit box. Any text entered here will be written out to the log file when the action is triggered. The default report text is the current publication time, name of the trigger and the name of the object the action is in.

The text entered into this action is static text - that is, it is not updated if you move the action to a new trigger or object. If you copy a Write to Report File action and want the text to reflect the new trigger or object name, use the Set to Default button, described below.

4. The Insert Variable button allows you to insert variables quickly into the report text. The variable will be inserted at the current caret position. If an text is selected in the edit box, it will be replaced by the selected variable name.

5. The Set to Default button allows you to reset the report text back to the default, as though it had just been created. This will take into account the current trigger and object name, so is useful if the Write to Report File action has been copied or moved from another place.

6. Click on the Apply button to save your changes.

Related Topics:

the Set Report File action

the Close Report File action