Actions: SCORM Commit

This action ensure that the communication with the Learning Management System has been updated. This action is optional and can be used whenever required. It is most often used to ensure key information is passed ot the LMS in case the browser closes unexpectedly and to allow you to check that information has been saved by the LMS despite any lag.

You might use this after sending data to the LMS and wait for it the Commit to be shown as successful before running the SCORM Finish action.

There are no options to set and Opus automatically converts this action depending on which version of SCORM the LMS requires.

The LMS will send back a code saying whether the communication has been ended successfully. The code will either be 0 (zero) for success or a number referring to a specific problem. The list of error codes is provided in the SCORM documentation available from ADL.

Opus automatically stores this in a preset variable called LMS_COMMIT_RETURN which allows you to check whether SCORM communication has been made properly.

Related Topics:

Understanding Opus and SCORM


the Initialize SCORM action

the SCORM Finish action

the GetSCORM Value action

the Set SCORM Value action