Synchronize to Tween Frame


The Synchronise to Tween frame trigger allows you to trigger an action when a Tween object reaches a particular frame. This is particularly useful if you want a sound file to play or another object to happen at the same moment as something in a tween animation.

The frame does not need to be a keyframe.

If the tween is set to repeat (i.e. play more than once) then this trigger will only activate the list of actions the first time the animation starts.

Unlike most other triggers this synchronization trigger must be applied to the tween which you want to trigger it.

Setting up the Synchronise to Tween Frame trigger:

  1. Add the Synchronise to Tween Frame trigger to the Tween you want to trigger your action, as described in Creating and Editing Actions. The Synchronization tab will automatically appear when you add the trigger.

  2. Use the spin buttons to set the frame number that you want to synchronize with.

  3. Click on the Apply button to save your changes.

  4. Click on the Actions tab in the Actions dialog to select an action or actions to add to the trigger.

  5. Go to Choosing an Action to list all of the actions you can add to your trigger.

Related Topics

Tween Properties

Selecting Frames in a Tween