Setting Character Spacing

You can alter the overall character spacing of any piece of text in a text object as follows:

  1. Select the text you wish to alter by highlighting it using the I-beam cursor.

  2. Select the Font menu item from the Text menu.

  3. Use the spin buttons or the slider labeled Spacing Adjust to set the character the variation in the spacing as a percentage of the default spacing to a maximum of 60% in either direction.


A minus figure will cause the characters to be closer together. Setting the amount to -60% will reduce character spacing to 40% of the original.

A positive percentage will increase the spacing. Increasing the percentage to 60% will set the characters apart by 160% of the original spacing.

A preview panel is provided to show what your text will look like.

  1. Click OK to apply your settings once you are happy with the result.

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