Paste Text Style

The Paste Text Style option in the QuickBuild menu allows you to paste text style information from one piece of text into another text object (or objects) or text selection.

Using the Paste Text Style features:

  1. Make sure you have used the Copy Text Style option to copy the styles of some text – see Copy Text Style feature for more information.

  2. Select the text object (or objects), select some text within a text object that you want to paste (i.e. apply) the new styles to.

  3. Select Paste Text Style from the QuickBuild menu – the current text styles in the selected text are overwritten with the copied text styles.

  4. The copied styles are stored in a Text Style Clipboard (like the standard Windows Copy Clipboard) and remain in the clipboard until you run the Copy Text Style option again. This means you can continue using the Paste Text Style option on text on different pages in your publication or whenever you add a new text object.

  5. When you want to copy the styles of a different text object or selection, use the Copy Text Style option again and then repeat steps 1 to 4 above – see Copy Text Style feature for more information.

Related Topics:

Copy Text Style