Spelling page

The Spelling page in the Options dialog box provides settings to change the way in which the spell-checker works. Opus includes a spell checker that checks the spelling in all Text and Button objects in your publication.

The changes you make here will affect how Opus displays miss-spelt words in your publication and how the Check Spelling dialog box works.

To check your publication for spelling mistakes, click on the Tools menu and select Check Spelling from the list or press the function key F7. This will open the Check Spelling dialog box.

To edit the Spelling tab settings:

1. Click on the down button beside the box in the Language panel to change the language used by the spell checker. You can select either the British Language or American Language dictionaries from the list. By default the language is set to British Language.

2. Click on the Check spelling as you type panel if you want miss-spelt words to be underlined in the Opus editor. Click on the down button beside the Underline Colour box to select the colour the miss-spelt words will be underlined with.

3. The User Dictionary panel allows you to add your own words and phrases that are not found in the standard dictionary. This will usually be used to add names and places that you use often or for technical words that would normally be counted as miss-spelt. Words can be added or removed from the User Dictionary using the Add and Remove buttons.

4. The Options panel allows you to set what sort of words will be ignored when running the spell check. It also contains a Case sensitive option that takes into account the case of the word when it spell checks. The last three suggest options in the Options panel allow you to set what sort of suggestions the spell checker will make when it finds an unknown word.

You can use as many of the options in the list as you require. If the option is ticked then the spell checker will perform that option, all unticked options are ignored.

5. The Suggestions panel allows you to set the amount of time the computer should spend trying to provide its suggestions. Use the slider to set your speed, which ranges from Fast but less accurate to Slow but accurate.

6. Click on the OK button to save your changes.

Related Topics:

the Check Spelling dialog

Introducing the Options