General page

The General tab in the Options dialog box provides a variety of options to change the way the Opus environment works.

To edit the General page settings:

  1. Click the Create backup files option to tell Opus to create a backup copy of your last saved version each time you save a new copy. The back-up copy is given the same name as your original but with Backup added. Thus MyPresentation.imp becomes MyPresentation Backup.imp

If necessary you can open this backup file in Opus in the same way as you open any other existing publication.

  1. Click the Auto-save every… option to tell Opus to automatically save your publication at certain intervals. Use the spin buttons to edit the interval in minutes and seconds. This helps protect your work if your computer crashes for any reason. The auto-save copy is given the same name as your original but with Backup added. Thus MyPresentation.imp becomes MyPresentation Autosave.imp

If necessary you can open this backup file in Opus in the same way as you open any other existing publication.

  1. Click the Offset pasted objects option to prevent objects pasted from the clipboard being placed directly over the original they were copied from. Use the spin buttons to edit the distance in pixels that the object will be offset both across the screen and down the screen.

  2. On the Object Properties panel click the appropriate option to tell Opus to automatically display the Object properties dialog as soon as you have created an object or to automatically show the Actions properties dialog as soon as you have created a button.

  3. Click the Automatically reload changed resources option to ensure Opus uses the very latest copy of the images or videos in your publication without you having to refresh anything.

  4. Click the OK button to save your changes.

Related Topics:

Using Resources

the General (More) tab - Options