Displaying the Contents of a Frame in a MultiFrame

A MultiFrame contains Frame objects but only one frame is ever visible in the Opus Editor or on the page when a publication is run.

To display a different Frame in the Opus Editor:

  1. Open the Objects tab in the Page Organiser if it is not already open. The Objects tab shows a tree-like view of all the objects on the current page.

  2. In the Objects tab, click on the name of the frame in the MultiFrame object that you want to display.

If you cannot see the name of the frames, click on the plus button image\Expand_Plus_Button.jpg beside the MultiFrame object to show the contents of the object, then select the frame name.

  1. The icon of the frame currently selected and whose contents are displayed on the page is highlighted in blue image\Object_View_Frame.jpg. The other frames in the MultiFrame object are hidden and their frame icon is greyed out image\Object_View_Frame_Grey.jpg.

  2. To display the contents of a different frame, simply click on the icon of the frame to open in the Objects tab. The newly selected frame’s icon becomes blue.

The currently selected frame (i.e. the frame with the blue icon is the Workspace Frame – in other words, this is the frame displayed in the Opus Editor, this may not be the first frame displayed when you preview the page or run the publication – see Playing order for Frames in a MultiFrame for more information.

To display frames in a MultiFrame automatically:

  1. Click on the Play Automatically option in the MultiFrame tab of the object’s Properties dialog to display each frame in sequence without the user having to control the order – see MultiFrame tab for more information.

With this option, the user cannot control the order or sequence of the frames displayed.

To display frames in a MultiFrame based on user choice:

  1. Use the MultiFrame actions to sequence the order in which frames are displayed – see Introducing the MultiFrame actions for more information.

Opus provides actions that allow you to show the next or previous frame in the MultiFrame or quickly jump to the first or last frame in a MultiFrame. Finally, there is an option that allows you to go to a specific frame.

You can combine the Play Automatically option and MultiFrame actions together. For example, a MultiFrame could automatically skip between frames when the user enters a page but the page could also include buttons that allow the user to select particular frames they want to display. Please note, the Play Automatically option will remain on even when MultiFrame actions are used – this means when the time for a frame expires, the next frame will still show. In normal practice, you will either use the Play Automatically option or MultiFrame actions but not both at the same time.

Related Topics:

Using the Multiframe Tool

Playing Order for Frames in a Multiframe

Introducing the Multiframe Actions