The Layer Menu

The main editor Layer menu provides control over layers on the current page. Many of these commands can also be found on the right-click menu for the layer in the Object view.



Add New Layer

If the page currently uses layers this will add a new empty layer above the current one.

If there are no layers on the page this will move all graphical objects on the page into a new layer and then ad a new empty layer above that one.


Delete Current Layer

Delete the current active layer.


This will delete all the objects in the current layer. If you want to remove a layer but keep the objects on it, use one of the Merge options detailed below.


Promote selection to new layer

If one or more objects are selected then you can promote those objects to a new layer of their own.


Merge All

This will merge all the layers on a page into a single layer


Merge Visible

Merge all the currently visible layers into the current active layer.


Flatten Layers

This will remove all layers from the page. All the objects in each layer will be moved onto the page itself.


Move To Top

Move the current active layer to the top of the layer list.


Move Up

Move the current active layer up one in the layer list.


Move Down

Move the current active layer down one in the layer list.


Move to Bottom

Move the current active layer to the bottom of the layer list.


Normal Layer Visibility

Show all layers on the page.


Onion Skin

So called because it is like looking at the semi-transparent layers of an onion. Layers underneath the current active layer are shown with increasing levels of transparency. This can be useful for organising animations or just limiting the amount of on screen "clutter".


Show All Layers

Show all currently hidden layers.


Show Only Active

Hide all layers except the current active layer.

Related Topics:

Introduction to Layers

Layer Palette