Find and Replace Words

Within the Opus editor you can search for any word or phrase in the Text and Button objects in your publication. This is useful if you need to quickly search your publication for words or phrases that need replacing or to instantly jump to a page in large publications with many pages.

To start the Find and Replace option:

  1. Click on the Tools menu, then select the Find & Replace option. This will open the Word Search dialog box.

  2. Alternatively, click Ctrl+F. This will open the Word Search dialog box.

Finding a word or phrase:

  1. Type the word or phrase you are looking for in the Find box. Use the down button beside the Find box to list the most recently used words typed into the box that you can use again.

You can use wildcards to represent characters you are not sure about.

Use a question mark ? to represent single character (e.g. Plan? will find Plant, Plane, Plank).

Use an asterisk * to represent any group of characters (e.g. Smith* will find Smithe, Smiths, Smithson, etc.)

  1. Click on the Match Case option if you want to find words in exactly the same combination of upper and lower case letters that they appear in Opus.

  2. Choose one of the options in the Search Current panel to specify where in the publication you want to search for the word or phrase. By default the All option is selected.

  3. Click on the Find button to start the search. When the first instance of the word or phrase is found the editor will move to that page and highlight the word in the Text box on the screen.

  4. If necessary, press the Find Next button to continue searching for the instance of the phrase you are looking for. Click on the Previous button if you go past the instance you want, this will go back one instance every time you click the button.

You can jump straight to a particular instance of the word or phrase using the Advanced button, described below.

Once you have found a word or phrase you are looking for you can automatically replace it with another word or phrase.

Replacing a word or phrase:

  1. Type the alternative word or phrase in the Replace box. Use the down button beside the Replace box to list the most recently used alternatives typed into the box that you can use again.

  2. Click the Replace button. This will replace the current instance of the word or phrase found with the alternative word or phrase.

  3. If there are other instances you wish to replace, click on the Find Next button to locate the next instance and repeat step 3.

  4. Click on the Replace All button if you want to change all instances of the word or phrase in the Find box with the alternative you entered in the Replace box.

This will only replace the instances for the option you selected in the Search Current panel. In other words, if you chose to search the current page only, then only this page’s instances will be replaced.

Advanced Options

Clicking on the Advanced>> button will expand the dialog, showing the Find list. The Find list shows every instance of the word or phrase found for the option you selected in the Search Current panel.

This enables you to jump to a specific example of a word or phrase rather than step through them with the Find and Find Next buttons. Simply select the instance of the word or phrase you are interested in and click the Go to button

The Local Phrase box at the bottom puts the word in context by showing the words around it to help you to identify a specific instance correctly.

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