Saving / Renaming Galleries

When you have added or removed components from a Component Gallery you will need to save them. You can also rename galleries from their current gallery or save another copy of the gallery.

To save a gallery:

  1. Make sure the gallery you want to save is currently open in the Components tab of the Organiser.

  2. Select Save Gallery from the Components menu at the top of the Opus Editor – this will automatically save the gallery.

  3. Alternatively, if you want to close and save the gallery, select Close Gallery from the Components menu – if you have made changes to the gallery since the last save, you will be prompted to save the changes – select the Yes button to close and save the gallery.

If your gallery is to be sent to other team members (so they can use it on their machines) and it contains resource files, you should consolidate resources – see Managing Galleries for more information.

The Scratch Pad gallery is a special temporary gallery where you can store things while you work on your publication. Anything in this gallery will be lost when you close your publication.

To rename a gallery:

  1. Make sure the gallery you want to rename is currently open in the Components tab of the Organiser.

  2. Select Rename Gallery… from the Components menu at the top of the Opus Editor – this will open the Rename Gallery dialog showing the current name of the gallery. Type the new name in the box and click on the OK button to close the dialog. The new name will be displayed in the Gallery List.

  3. Alternatively, if you want to create a copy of a gallery, select Save Gallery As… from the Components menu – this will open the Save As dialog in which you can locate the folder in which you want to place the new copy. You can also change the filename of the gallery if you want, click the OK button to save the gallery in the new folder.

If the components in the gallery are consolidated resources i.e. they are saved in a Gallery Resource folder, this folder is NOT copied with the Save Gallery As option – you will need to run the Consolidate option from the Components menu to create a Gallery Resource folder for the new copy of the gallery – see Managing Galleries for more information.

Related Topics:

image\SHORTCUT.jpg%Component_Gallery_Management Managing GalleriesComponent_Gallery_Management

Component Gallery Overview