Editing an AutoNarration

Once you have created an Autonarration and played it back in the preview, you may want to edit the sound file because the automatic procedure done by Opus is not exactly what you want.

To Edit an Autonarration:

  1. Select the Text object on the page that includes an Autonarration.

  2. Select Edit Autonarrate from the Text menu at the top of the Opus Editor – this will open the Edit Auto Narrate dialog.

  3. The Divider panel is split into two sections: Text section – the top half of the panel shows the text in the Text object; Sound section – the bottom half shows the sound file.

  4. The Dividers show how the sound file narration is divided up in relation to the text.

  5. Click the sound file in the Sound section to hear that section play.

  6. To change the amount of the sound file attached to the text in the top half of the panel, click on the Divider Line in the Sound section (it will be highlighted in yellow) and drag it left or right as appropriate.

As you move the Sound section the number of words in the Text section does not change.

  1. To change the amount of text in the Text object attached to the sound file in the bottom half of the panel, click on the Divider Line in the Text section and drag it left or right as appropriate.

  2. Click on the Add Divider button if you want to add a new divider into the Divider panel.

  3. To remove a Divider Line, select the line (it will be highlighted in yellow), and then click the Remove Divider button.

  4. If you update the sound file, click the Browse… button to open the new sound file you want to use in this Autonarration.

  5. The sound file will play when the Text object is first displayed on screen if the Auto Start option is ticked. By default, this option is ticked.

If you untick this option, the Autonarration will only play if you add a Play Autonarration action to the page or an object on the same page as the Text object.

Related Topics:

Creating an AutoNarration

Playing the AutoNarratiion

Introducing the AutoNarrate Feature