Using the Grid

Opus provides a grid option to enable you to locate objects neatly when adding them to your page. When switched on the grid appears as a series of blue dots on your page. These dots do not show up in your finished publication.

You can change the colour of these dots or switch the style to lines or dashes instead of dots. You can also change the spacing of the grid. All of these options are available by selecting Options from the Tools menu and selecting the Grid & Outline tab.

When the grid is on objects can only be placed or resized at the regular intervals set by the grid.

To switch the grid on and off:

  1. Click the Grid button image\Icon_Tool_Grid.jpg on the main toolbar or select Grid from the View menu.

To use the grid without switching it on:

You can still force objects to snap to the grid when moving or resizing them as follows:

  1. While you move or resize the object press and hold down the Shift key.

This function also works when drawing vector objects.