Adding a Timeline

Timelines are self-contained sequences of actions displayed on a Timeline Graph. They provide a good way to visualise the relationships between events as their start and finish times are also displayed visually on a Timetable. They are intended to allow you to create and synchronise combinations of actions easily.

For a full description on how to use the Timeline feature, see Using the Timeline Tool for more information.

Adding a Timeline to a page:

  1. Click on the Timeline tool image\Icon_Object_Timeline.jpg on the Tools toolbar. This will add a Timeline object to the current page’s Page Organiser. The Timeline dialog box will automatically be opened.

You can have as many Timeline objects on a page as you like but beware of making any page too complex – better to have separate pages.

  1. Add the actions to the Timeline Graph that you want. The Timeline dialog contains the Action menus on the right-hand side of the dialog.

  2. Click on the Properties button to check the settings for the timeline. For example, by default the Auto Start option is ticked, which means the timeline will play as soon as the user enters the page. If you are using several Timeline objects on one page, you will turn this option of and use the Start Timeline and Stop Timeline actions to control when your timelines will play.

Unlike other tools in the Tools toolbar, the Timeline object does not have the standard Properties dialog box. This is because the object is never displayed on screen; it simply runs the sequence of actions you have entered in its Timeline Graph.

  1. Click on the Close button to save your changes and close the Timeline dialog.

To open the Timeline dialog:

  1. Double-click on the Timeline object in the Page Organiser.

Related Topics:

Using the Timeline tool

Start Timeline action

StopTimeline action