Question Variables

A wide range of scoring variables are tracked automatically by Opus via the Question object. Although the previous Score Actions are still available we recommend the Question object is used as the foundation to build any kind of e-learning test, even simulations

Here are details of the variables and their uses.


This is the value or amount of the user’s score so far. This variable keeps track of the total score for answers the user has got correct. The value for an individual answer is set on the Question Properties grid. This would be the "eight" in "eight out of ten" so far.


A count of the questions the user has answered correctly. In the case of multiple-answer questions only one correct answer needs to be chosen for SCORE_CORRECT. If two answers are marked as correct and the user has selected both answers the SCORE_CORRECT variables will still only increase by one.


A count of the questions the user has answered incorrectly. In the case of trhe multiple answer questions the user only needs to get one answer correct for the question to be counted as correct, even if one of the user’s other answers is makred as incorrect.


The possible score amount of questions answered so far irrespective of whether that’s what the user has scored for their answers. This would be the "ten" in "eight out of ten" so far.


The possible value of all questions in the whole publication. This would be the "ten" in "eight out of ten" but for the whole publication.


This is the total scoring value of quesitons in the publication which have not yet been answered


This variable keeps track of the score value the user could still acheive if all remaining questions are answered correctly – includes the current Q_SCORE_VALUE. This enables you to track whether the user has failed the test even before they’ve answered all the questions – that is, their score will not hit the pass threshhold even if they get everything right from this point.


This variable keeps track of the percentage score the user could still acheive if all remaining questions are answered correctly – includes the current Q_SCORE_VALUE_PERCENT. This enables you to track whether the user has failed the test even before they’ve answered all the questions – that is, their score will not hit the pass threshhold even if they get everything right from this point.


The score the user has been awarded so far as percent of the number the user could have got by this point.


The score the user has been awarded so far as percent of the score possible in the whole quiz.


The number of questions the user has attempted so far.


The total number of questions in the whole publication.


This variable checks whether the course has been passed or not. It will be true if the course has been passed and false if it has been failed. It is only true once the course has been finished.


This variable checks whether the course has been completed or not. It will be true if the course has finished and false if it has not.

Previous Scoring Features

You can still use the Score action and script actions to update the previous scoring variables but these are entirely separate. Only Question objects are checked for the overall publication variables such as Q_SCORE_TOTAL_QUESTIONS or Q_SCORE_TOTAL_POSSIBLE and so custom questions using the Score Action will NOT be included in these variables or calculations based on them.

We have provided a full range of actions which should mean you can create any type of test, evaluation or quiz with the Question object and do not need to use the old scoring actions except for games or other publications where Questions are not relevant at all.

However, we have also provided script support for setting questions and answers so it is possible to set up other activities which then score via the Question system where these actiivites are going to be used in conjunction with questions or wish to ustilize the additional sophistication which the question scoring system provides.

Critical Fail

We have also implemeted a system allowing specific questions to be set as critical to the course and/or to the current topic. This means that if the learner gets that particular question wrong they will fail the course or topic irrespective of their overall score.

This is designed to assist with competency assurance and allows you to ensure that key questions must be answered correctly.

There is a debate amongst elearning professionals as to whether assessments should only be passed with a score of 100% to ensure critical knowledge is understood. This allows you to mark certain questions as crucial to the competency of the learner whilst still allowing the test to have a less daunting pass mark of less than 100%.


Related Topics:

Question Properties

Using Topics

Topic Variables