Publish Settings: HTML5

When you want to publish the HTML5 publication, the Settings which appear in the Publish Wizard are different and allow you to set several options specific to the HTML output..

Publish Settings are also available at any time from the Publication menu as well as during the publish process.

These include whether the publication is produced as a single page, whether each page of your publications becomes a separate HTML5 page or whether it is published as a piece of HTML5 to be included in another page as explained below.


Single Page

All the pages of your publication will be included in a single HTML5 page with a single address and that page will allow you to jump around between those pages. It does not mean all your pages will be visible at once.

Essentially this means your "website" is made up of one large page with different sections displayed as required. As a result it can mean the HTML file is very large if the publication has a lot of pages.

You cannot link to individual pages from external weblinks.

Single Page with Hash tags

This creates a single HTML5 page as above but each page is marked with a hashtag so that you can link to that particular page from external webpages by using the syntax: mypublication.htm#pagetitle.

Multiple Pages

This create a separate HTML page for each page in your publication. This is the more traditional format for a website but it can end up making the whole project a little larger although individual HTML pages will be smaller and therefore quicker to load.

This is the recommended option for larger publications.

Always test this kind of publication online and with different browsers as performance can vary from browser to browser. You may even wish to have different versions of particular pages for different browsers. You can find details of how to check for different browser by searching the internet.

Use Single DIV

A DIV is a section of a webpage usually outlined in the style sheet (CSS) for that page. This option allows you to create material which can be included in other webpages rather create the whole page in Opus.

The HTML5 material still requires a compatible browser even if it is displayed within a standard HTML page

This is useful for banners, games and animations which will appear in other pages. Publications output like this do not have to go in a DIV, they could also be used in the cell of a table but you will find it easier to manage the final result if the Opus output is clearly separated from the other elements of the page.

Once published the html file will need to be opened in a text editor or HTML editor so that the content can be cut and pasted into another HTML file.

The output from Opus includes a standard HTML header and footer so it can be previewed. This should be ignored when pasting into another HTML page. The start and end of the material you should cut and paste is marked with the comment Begin Opus Content and End Opus Content respectively.

Align to Top of Page

This option aligns your HTML5 to the top of the browser window. This is the usual position for websites and is important if you HTML includes pages of different heights.

Switching this off will cause the content to be centred vertically in the window – which may be best for games or similar stand-alone items.

Metadata Description

All HTML allows for a set of data about the webpage , which is used particularly for search engines to understand the content of the page better. This data is called metadata and includes metadata element called "title" which is taken automatically from the title of your publication.

More importantly it includes the element called "description". The description for your website is important as this is often the snippet Google and other search engines use when it displays your site in the search results.

Opus provides an edit box for you to enter the text you want to use for your description. There are lots of recommendations and considerations to take into account when optimising your website for search engines. This is beyond the scope of this help file – search the internet for metadata description, Google snippets and SEO.

HTML Header

You can also insert additional information into the header section of your HTML by typing it into the Header section on the Advanced tab.

Advanced Options

Create External Javascript Files

Allows all the additional scripts you have written in the publication to be included in a separate javascript (.js) file rather than included within the publication. Javascript programmers can then use this script to extend the functionality of the page more easily.

The basic Opus.js script is always external

Create Readable Content

This option formats the final HTML with line breaks and tabs to make it easier to read if you want to edit. Otherwise Opus publishes all the code as a single block of text.

Display FPS Counter

This option will show how quickly material is being displayed by the HTML5. It will appear in the top right of the page and displays frames-per-second. This is really for technical review purposes and probably should not be displayed to the public unless on a special page for them to test their speed or similar.

Enable Debug Trace Output

This provides the facility to display a window for debug messages placed in script and is therefore not relevant to Opus Pro.

Publish Images at Original Size.

With this option on the images will be distributed at their original size rather than the size deemed most appropriate by the Opus publishing process. This is most relevant when the publication is set to resize with the browser windows as it ensures that images are not too small and thereby lose quality by being enlarged too much.

Embed Images in HTML.

This option encodes your images into the HTML using 64-bit encoding which helps make them more secure.

Disable Right Click

You can set your HTML to ginore the right mouse click which will also help prevent people copying your material.



Related Topics:

Overview of HTML5

Publish Settings for Android