Load and Save Palette dialogs

The Load Palette and Save Palette dialogs appear in the Colour Selector dialog box when you press the L and S buttons in the Custom panel.

Setting up the Load Palette options:

  1. Click on the Browse… button to locate the directory in which a palette has been saved. This will open the standard Windows Open dialog box in which you can search for the directory where the palette had previously been saved.

Colour Palettes have the extension name .pal. When a palette has been located the Location box will display the pathname of the file.

  1. Click on the Preview button if you want to refresh the Preview view on the right-hand side of the dialog.

  2. Click on the Done button to accept and load the currently selected palette. This button will close the dialog box and show the newly loaded palette in the palette bar of the Colour Palette.

The name of the loaded palette appears as a new tab in the Colour Palette.

  1. Alternatively, click on the Cancel button if you do not want to load a new palette bar. This button will close the dialog box.

Setting up the Save Palette options:

  1. Click on the Browse… button to locate the directory in which you want the custom palette to be saved. This will open the standard Windows Open dialog box in which you can search for the directory in which you want to store the palette.

Colour Palettes have the extension name .pal. When a palette has been located the Location box will display the pathname of the file.

  1. The Current Palette panel shows the colour wells contained in it.

  2. Click on the Save button to accept and save the currently selected palette.

  3. Click on the Done button to close the dialog box.

Related Topics:

Choosing Colours

Using the Colour Selector