Introducing the Drag and Drop Feature

The Drag and Drop feature in Opus is another way of making things happen within your publication. Opus lets you design objects to be dragged around the publication and dropped on other objects. This feature is useful in many types of multimedia publications, some examples are:

These are just some ways in which the Drag and Drop feature can be used; many other uses can also be found for this feature.

The Drag and Drop tab in the Properties dialog:

Every object on a page contains a Drag and Drop tab in its Properties dialog. This is used to set an object as a drag object or a drop zone.

Objects can be both drag objects and drop zones at the same time.

Once you have set up the drag objects and drop zones, you can then set actions to occur as a result. The actions are added to Drag and Drop Triggers. A range of triggers for the drag and drop feature have been provided, each trigger can then activate a list of actions for different user activities. The user activities that have related triggers fall into two categories:

Related Topics:

Drag and Drop Properties options

Introducing the Drag and Drop Triggers