Important Notes for Existing Users

The following is important guidance for customers familiar with previous version or upgrading material produced in previous versions.

Radio Button Scope

We have changed the way radio buttons work to offer control across the whole publication. Radio buttons will now be indexed globally and will automatically connect to the preset variables (RADIO_GROUP_1_ID etc). This allows master page radio buttons or radio buttons on separate frames to work consistently.

However this means that radio buttons on different pages will need to be in different groups ro the setting on one page will be reflected on the next.

All groups of radio buttons on the same page must have different group indexes as before. We have provided a Next button alongside the radio button index which will set the current index to the next available.

If you have problems with radio buttons being set when you’re not expecting them to be – simply give each set of buttons a unique index number even if they are on different pages and make sure the relevant RADIO_GROUP variables are reset wehen required. The radio button group index is set via the Button tab of the Properties dialog.

It should also be noted that the RADIO_GROUP variables are not created automatically – we’ve just written in the first four. Thus if you are using more groups than this you must add the relevant variables yourself.

When creating new RADIO_GROUP_XX_ID variables you should always set the intitial vaue to –1 unless you want a specific button to be shown as initially down.

Question Templates

When adding question templates which use radio buttons you will need to update the radio button group index as described above.

Text Padding

When importing your existing publication into the new version you may find the text padding setting on Text Properties) is reset to the default. If you reduced the text padding to fit the text into a small frame then this may cause the text to be too big for the frame and no longer be visible.

This may also happen with any custom kerning settings.

You will need to select the text objects effected and reinstate you preferred padding and kerning settings. If you have a lot of objects to reset – remember that you can apply properties to multiple objects by using Ctrl+Click in the Organise but be careful not to make any other changes or these will also be applied to all objects.

Converting to HTML5

We recommend that all HTML5 publications are created from scratch. However, if you must convert from an existing publication here are some important tips.

Converting an existing publication to HTML5 by simply selecting a new publication type in Publication Properties can introduce errors. Even copy and pasting full pages from one publication to another can cause issues, However, you should be able to copy and paste the content from a page in an existing publication to a page in a new HTML5 publication and not introduce extraneous errors. Obviously the existing material may still contain features which are not supported which, at best, will make your publication look and behave slightly differently; or, at worse, stop it from working (usually a black screen when you run the published file)

Remember to add any special variables to the new publication and ensure no actions have become disconnected from their objects as this will stop the HTML from working.

HTML5 publications may not handle complicated master pages the way you expect and some combinations of elements do not work – timelines and multfirames and tweens on multiframes need to be checked for example.

Variables need to be in text set to dynamic.

Plexus Support

Support for Active-X plugins in modern browsers is being restricted or even removed completely so we recommend Plexus is now only fused or internet or intranet publications where you have full control of the browser settings.

Related Topics:

Overview of HTML5

New Features