Text Effect Styles

There are several functions where Opus automatically formats text for you because it indicates a particular type of text. These are presented in the Text Effect Styles section of the Text tab of a Text object’s Properties dialog.


the text style used to show a piece of text is a hypertext link.


the text style used to indicate that the mouse is over a piece of hypertext.


the text style used when a piece of hypertext is clicked on to show the user that their action has been registered.


the text style used when you have added an Autonarration to the Text object.

You can change any of the Text Effect Styles by clicking on the down arrow beside the text style and selecting a different style from the list. Alternatively, you can click on the Customise… button at the bottom of the section and create your own style.

These text styles need not all be different, either from each other or from the text they are surrounded by. You might, for example, want a piece of hypertext that is only distinguished as such when the mouse moves over it.

You can also apply different styles to different instances of the same type of text. Thus a piece of hypertext might use the Red Underline style on one object and the Blue Underline style on another. This is not recommended as it may be confusing to the user but it might be useful for differentiating between a hypertext which goes to another page and one which simply brings up an explanatory text object on the current page.

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